Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lakshmana Temple Khajuraho

Lakshmana Temple Khajuraho
Lakshmana Temple Khajuraho, originally uploaded by jayashankar.

The photo shows the highly decorated Lakshmana temple along with Matengaswara Temple of simple architecture and ornamentation - picture shot from the Varaha temple. The Matengeswara temple houses a Shiva idol where daily pujas are being performed, unlike in the other temples in the western group of temples in Kahjuraho, built by Chandela kings. Lakshmana temple is believed to be built by the Chandela King of the same name.

The maturity in the sculpture can be seen in various temples as one proceeds from the earlier built temples to the later ones and can be discerned from the form and the variety of the facial and other forms of expressions in the sculptures. It is evident in the most developed, largest and the tallest of the temples, Kandariya Mahadeva Temple on the south western most corner of the temple complex. Location: Madhya Pradesh, India; photo by: Jayashankar, uploaded to on 20 Feb 07, 10.05AM PST.

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